Narrative Intelligence

Every company has a narrative.

And every narrative has a counternarrative.

In an age of weaponized information and misleading narratives, we give you the ability to track stakeholder sentiment, identify risks and anticipate the future. Our consultants identify counternarratives and response strategies by leveraging the full spectrum of data, including insights into polarization, manipulation and bot-like activity enabled by our industry-leading joint offering with Blackbird.AI.
View our latest insights or download our one pager.

Our Offerings

Strategic Planning

In-depth analytics and consultation to build a strategic framework to prepare for a major event.

Threat Assessment

Risk analysis spanning news media and mainstream social platforms, plus fringe social media platforms and deep web forums (Gab, Telegram, 4chan, etc.)

Issues Tracker

Initial benchmark report of the narrative and stakeholder landscape, refreshed on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis.

Crisis Response

Counsel backed by AI to determine how threatening narratives are being propagated and response strategies for countering them.