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    Get Woke, Go Broke? New data suggests otherwise

    Written by Ben Kalevitch, Managing Director of Myriant, Emily Caruso, Executive Vice President at United Minds

    Read the entire article on Fast Company here.


    In “Get Woke, Go Broke? Not So Fast,” Myriant Managing Director Ben Kalevitch and United Minds Executive Vice President Emily Caruso explore data and insights from Blackbird.AI and a survey conducted by Myriant and the Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism at USC. Contrary to headlines, consumers, employees, and investors strongly value corporate leadership on environmental and social challenges. All audiences rank “sustainability” and “corporate purpose” at the top of factors determining decisions to buy from, work for, or invest.


    In the wake of a wave of attacks on conventional and social media on Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) standards, it’s not surprising that a global public opinion poll of C-suite leaders conducted by Myriant’s fellow advisory firm KRC Research, found that fewer than 1-in-4 leaders ranked ESG toward the top of their business’ focus areas for 2023.


    Yet: a recent survey of key stakeholders from Myriant, in partnership with USC’s Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism, shows why devaluing reputation and purpose would be a mistake. Contrary to commentary, an overwhelming majority of investors, employees, and consumers, strongly believe in the value of sustaining a connection between business and society. An overwhelming majority of employees, consumers and investors feel that companies have a responsibility to play a role in society and that social purpose is a powerful driver of reputation. Investors most strongly agree: 9 out of 10 compared to 7 consumers and 6 employees.



    Yes: negative narratives are having a measurable impact on ESG sentiment among business leaders.

    But: they are not yet breaking through to key stakeholder groups.